Aqua Detox

What is the Aqua Detox Foot Spa Treatment?
Aqua Detox is a relaxing treatment that stimulates our body’s natural detoxification response while re-balancing the energy channels throughout our body for optimal energy, health and overall well-being. This process works at a cellular level to re-balance the negative & positive ion distribution around the cell. When the cell is balanced, it is able to function releasing waste and toxins out of the cell through the pores in our feet.

The Aqua Detox spa machine is the only device of its kind that holds a Class II Medical Approval in Europe and is backed by independent clinical trials and ongoing medical research. Research has shown that the benefits of those receiving treatments have had increased: vitality, circulation, energy levels, organ energy/efficiency, nutrient absorption and an improved sense of well being.

Just 5 minutes into the Aqua Detox

30 Minutes in to Aqua Detox Session

Benefits of Aqua Detox:

  • Pure Mind – A body detox benefits not only the physical body but the mind as well. A sense of mind purity is achieved when you feel that your body is cleansed of toxins and your body generally feels lighter.
  • Living Longer – One of the major benefits of a body detox is the positive effects it has on the aging process. By getting rid of the toxins and “junks” in the body, you are actually reducing the work load of the natural detoxification system of the body. During a detox diet, you are helping the system to get rid of toxins and at the same time, you are significantly reducing the intake of toxin into your body. Reduced stress on the body’s detoxification system will lengthen the life span of organs such as the liver, kidneys and bowels. This will add years to your life and at the same time enabling you to enjoy a healthier and fuller life.
  • More Energy – We already know for a fact that the natural cleaning process done by our body takes up a lot of energy, So by freeing or reducing the work load of the body’s natural detoxification system, we will use less energy and freeing up more energy for other daily activities. A body full of toxins tends to have bigger body mass and being overweight. It’s also scientifically proven that an overweight person requires more energy to move around as compared to a physically fitter person.
  • Healthier Body – A body detox will leave our body cleansed and free of toxins. This will significantly reduce the work load of the body and freeing it to focus other more important tasks such as fighting chronic degenerative diseases, repairing and restoring our body. Significant physical benefits that will be gained through body detoxification:
    • Fewer Allergies
    • Stronger Immunity
    • Fewer Aches & Pains
    • Naturally Healthier Skin & Hair

What is “Aqua Detox”?
A water molecule is composed of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. When the molecule loses a hydrogen atom, the remaining OH molecule takes on a negative charge. As you walk along the beach, your body absorbs millions of these negatively charged ions, which alkalize the blood and tissue. Because of poor diet and high stress, we tend to accumulate and store excessive quantities of waste products, such as diacetic, lactic, pyruvic, uric, carbonic, acetic, butyric, and hepatic acids. Aqua Detox treatments help to remove those waste products, known as toxins, by using the spa machine to create a current which draws out the toxins through the pours in your feet. Maintaining vitality, as we age, requires the maintenance of an alkaline environment throughout the body – which is virtually impossible to accomplish in our high-tech, high-stress, toxic society, unless we can walk on the beach everyday, therefore Aqua Detox provides a holistic treatment that will leave you feeling better than ever!

How does the Aqua Detox Spa Machine work?
Very simply the user of the system places the feet in the foot spa of luke warm water. A small amount of a pre-made saline solution (a combination of household or sea salt and water) is added to aid the conductivity of the water. When the system is switched on and the array immersed in water, the unit creates an electrolytic flow (a flow of electrons), which imparts to the water a bio-energetic field, which allows a gentle bio-energetic resonance to travel through the body. The water in the foot spa (or bath) becomes an extension of the water in the body, from which it is separated by nothing more substantial than a thin membrane – the skin.

Bio-energetic stimulation has a positive effect on micro circulation. The micro circulation is the part of the body’s fluid circulation directly involved in the interchanges of substances between the blood and tissues of the body.

Micro circulation plays a very important role in regulating both the supply of Oxygen and nutrients to the tissues and proper excretion of waste products out of the body. If the micro circulation is good, the body is more likely to be healthy. When there is an imbalance, there is more likely to be a dysfunction. As the body re-balances its Bio-Energetic Field it plays an important part in regulating both supply of Oxygen and nutrients to the tissues and the proper excretion of waste products (toxins) out of the body. The body is therefore more likely to be healthy, allowing the body to restore its natural healing energy levels.

How long does the procedure take?
A single procedure takes approximately 30 minutes. Please arrive about 5 minutes before your scheduled appointment.

Is the Detox Foot Bath painful?
No, there is no pain experienced; in fact the treatment is similar to soaking your feet in a pedicure tub. You will slip your feet into warm water, while you slip into a world of relaxation. Many have described the sensation as “tantalizing”, “relaxing”, “stimulating” and “refreshing”. Some clients report a feeling of tingling, similar to your foot falling asleep for a moment.

When can I return to normal activities?
You can return to normal activities as soon as the treatment is finished. We do recommend that for optimal results and to avoid any sluggish feelings that clients drink additional water over the next several hours post treatment. Please be advised that the detoxification process will continue for up to 48 hours after treatment and increased water consumption is required for optimal results.

When will I see results?
With some clients, the results are immediately felt. In all instances, results are immediately seen! Typically a film will form on top of the water during the course of the treatment; this film is a residue from the toxins being released from the body. Clients, in addition to seeing the release also report mental clarity and a noticeable increase in energy during & after the treatment. However, it may take 4-5 sessions to fully experience the impressive results that Aqua Detox has to offer.

How many treatments will I need?
This is a personal preference. Everyone can benefit from a single treatment but for optimal results we recommend regular treatments, once a week is typical for the first six weeks, and to maintain, once a month thereafter. A total of 9 to 12 initial treatments is the full treatment regiment. Many clients chose to continue Aqua Detox weekly or bi-weekly based on their personal experiences and the amazing benefits that are a result of Aqua Detox.

Just give us a try with one visit and see how great you feel! One Aqua Detox Experience is far better than never trying it at all….the results speak for themselves!

How long will the effects of the Detox Procedure last?
Ongoing studies currently show the effect lasting depending on life style factors and vary accordingly. Treatments must be at least 2-3 days a part.

How safe is the Detox Foot Bath?
The Aqua Detox Foot Bath treatment is very safe. This treatment has been used on thousands of patients around the world receiving amazing testimonials & showing exceptional results.

We do not recommend this treatment for Pregnant women, Epileptics, those individuals who experience Psychotic episodes and anyone with a Pacemaker or has received an Organ transplant.

Can any side-effects occur?
Side effects are rare. Depending on the health state of the body, occasionally people will experience a mild headache and or exhaustion after a treatment. This is actually a positive response as the body is letting you know that it needs rest and a complete detox is in process. If experienced, these symptoms have not been reported to last past the first day and we recommend increasing your water intake during these 48 hours. In very few patients, your ankles may experience minor swelling for the first hour after treatment. This will go away within the hour.

What do the colors of the water mean?
This is probably the most common question that we get…and we understand why, however, while the colors produced in the water during the Aqua Detox session do, understandably, intrigue most people, it is not possible to state with certainty that any one color is specific to a particular organ or part of the body. Color is not a scientific measurement, and no scientific or medical equipment exists which can relate the color of the water to specific organs or areas of the body. INFINITY HEALING does not endorse the interpretation of the colors of the water, there are treatment providers in the medical profession that we can refer you to for an interpretation and analysis if you would like…

The company has also used a Thermal Imaging Camera, a medically approved camera widely used in hospitals, to photograph the effect of the AQUA DETOX™ session on the body. This camera recorded the fact that during and after AQUA DETOX™session the temperature of the patient’s legs is significantly increased, (by more than 1°C), indicating that the circulation has been improved significantly.

However, it is important to highlight that INFINITY HEALING does not diagnose, cure or treat clients, we simply provide the amazing opportunity to experience Aqua Detox which in turn will leave you feeling refreshed and re-energized.